ESSAR has established a leading position in the design and supply of Screw Conveyor to various industries. Screw conveyor is a positive material movement mechanical device employed in almost all industries.

Powder, Grain, Wet & sticky material also can be transported temperature range is 250 C. Horizontal, inclined & vertical transportation is possible RH & LH screws as customers requirement. 30-45 & filling for U- trough 80-90% filling for tubular casing. Screw conveyor components performance proved screw conveyors are ruggedly built and accurately manufactured to assure complete dependability as well as versatility required to meet a wide range of job arrangements.

 Range of Product

  • From 30mm to 1000mm constent and variable pitch
  • Single length with out hanger barring is 5 to 6 mtr long
  • NO limitations o length if hanger barring is intradused
  • Capacity -max 350TPH

 Special Features

  • Unit roughed / tubular cassing
  • Unit direction / Reversal
  • With out hanger bearing up to 6 mtr long
  • Hanger barring in every 6 mtr long
  • Capacity from 10 Tph to 300 Tph
  • Hard facing as trough for Abrasive material up to 300-500 BHN
  • Eqpt protect by zero speed switch fixed at Tailend.

 Silent Features

  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Low power conjumtion
  • Easy availebility of spare parts
  • Design for continious operation as minimum mentainance

Our Clients
